卡科易數 (人類圖)
卡 - 印度查卡拉系統 (Hindu-Brahmin Chakra) 和希伯來的卡巴拉 (Sephorith of Kabala )
科 - 基因科學
易 - 易經
數 -中西天文術數
Human Design is a new system of self-knowledge. It is a synthesis of the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra System, Sephorith of Kabala, modern science of reading genetic codes, astrology and most importantly, the I-Ching.
The Rave Chart
人類圖是九大區位體系人種的玄機透視, 顯視了 二元意識結構和潛能. 區位體系的誕生是結構牲的進化。尼安德特人(Neanderthals)是屬於五大區位體系,而古石器時代的克羅馬儂人 (Cro-Magnon) 或智慧人種 (Homo sapiens) 也是屬於七大區位體系。而我們則屬於九大區位體系. 九大區位體系的人於 一七八一年開始面世 . 這演變是結構牲的進化。 胡嶺大師預測九大區位體系在二零二七年再有一次進化。 他命名這更先進的人種為——銳覺者。 他們與生驅來九大區位體系銳利非凡的覺知。
當今人類正在經歷著一個過渡期。 我們以具有九大區位的身軀。 相比七大區位體系的祖先,我們以遠勝他們的本能。 但可惜我們還常因於七大區位體系的運作模式中, 未能充分啟發我們的天賦。 人類圖揭示了本我潛能的玄機 ,開啟我們的天賦本能。
The Rave Chart is the genetic highlight of the nine-centered individuals. The chart illustrates the mechanics and potential of binary conscious beings. Unlike our ancestors –the five-centered Neanderthals, and the seven-centered homo sapiens, we are a nine-centered beings. This change, which first took place in 1781, is a structural aspect of evolution. A further change will take place in 2027 with the emergence of a new species, which Ra Uru Hu called --- “The Rave”.
Human today is going through these transitional changes. We are already installed with the nine-centered form having a consciousness capability far beyond the scope of our seven-centered ancestors. However, many are still operating under the seven-centered way totally unaware of their expanded potential. The Rave Chart shows the mechanics our form and reveals the potential of our “self”.
類型- 氣場類型
Type - Aura Type
Generator 能源者
Projector 投射者
Manifestor 倡顯者
Reflector 反照者
能源者是主導類型 。 他們有開放和包容的氣場 。 名之為能源者因他們是地球上生命的源動力。 他們的氣場萬有引力, 一切不需往外尋。因而促使他們容易往專注於內 ,待以認識自己。 他們占人口大概 七成(70 %)。
投射者有聚焦且具吸收性的氣場。 名之為投射者因他們的氣場導致他們的關注投向於 他人。亦因而能容易理解別人。 他們占人口大概兩成(20%)。
倡顯者有封閉和排斥的氣場。 名之為倡顯者因他們的氣場倡始事物發生及推動事物發展。 他們占人口大約百份之九(9%)。
反照者是無區位定量的, 他們有扺抗和采樣性的氣場。名之為反照者因他們的氣場直接反照他人。 反照者像有保護罩那橡的不受他人影嚮 , 待以識別不同人的特性。 只占人口 大 約 百份之一( 1 %) 。
There are fours main aura types:
Generators are the dominant Type on the planet. They are the driving life force of the planet. They have an open and enveloping aura, which pull things in. They focus is naturally directed inwards and are here to know themselves. They are nearly 70% of the population.
Projectors have a focused and absorbing aura. Due to their aura, they constantly project their focus onto others, allowing them to understand the others easily. They are around 20% of the population.
Manifestors have a closed and repelling aura. Due to this repelling characteristic, their aura pushes things to happen. They are here to understand their impact on others. They are about 9% of the population.
Reflectors are without any center definition. They have a resistant and sampling aura. Their Teflon coat like aura allows them to sample different people’s auras at ease. They are here to see the difference. They are just over 1% of the population.
模式是你人生目標的概括。 透視了你內在的驅動力。這兩個數字是從來自十字玄機 。 第一個數字是來自自識元碼大陽位的線的代碼。 從右邊元碼表頭一個數字便可找到 。 第二個數字是來自體識元碼地位的線的代碼。 從左邊元碼表第二個數字便可找到 。
The profile gives you a glance on your life purpose and some of the influences that drive your behavior. It is derived from two of the numbers from your Incarnation Cross. The first number is from the line of the Personality Sun data – the first number in the right hand column of the Rave chart. This is the part of your profile that you are consciously aware of. The second number is derived from the line of the Design Earth data – the second number on left hand column of the rave chart.
當區位互相連接,通道兩端的閘被啟動時 便會形成一個定量。定量是在整個生命中 一 個穩定和可靠的泉源。
(一) 單一連貫定量是完全連貫的;
(二) 折分二段定量, 是指斷開成兩組的定量組合;
(三) 折分三段定量,是斷開為三組的,和
When centers are connected to each other, when the gates at either end of the Channel are activated a Definition is formed. A definition is a reliable and consistent source throughout the life.
There are four different kinds of Definition:
(1) Single definition is a continuous connection.
(2) Split definition has two areas of definition separate from each other
(3) Triple split definition has three separated areas
(4) Quadruple split definitions, four separate areas
Also, there are those without definition.
內在權令 和 策略
Strategy and Inner Authority
內在權令是個我們需聽從來作人生決定的特定區位。它的號令不可忽略, 因它是本我 的頻率信息,帶引們走向生命的正確幾何。
策略是我們作決定時應根隨的特定方式。 尊重你的策略和權令助你實現你人生目標 ,發輝你個別潛能的途勁。
Inner Authority is the specific center we should rely on when we make decision. We cannot neglect the signal from our inner authority because it is what leads us to our correct geometry in life.
Strategy is the way we should make our decision. Follow your strategy and authority, they are tools that align us to our life purpose and move us towards our full potentials.
Personality Data Base
一 組展示著自我體現意識û潛能的本我元素代碼. 是中微子被意識晶體過濾後的代碼表義. 亦代表主意識。
Neutrino data filtered through the personality crystal of consciousness revealing the potential of self-reflected consciousness - “Who do you think you are.” It is the conscious aspect.
Design Data Base
體識- 軀體意識的潛能
一 組展示著軀體意識潛能的本我元素代碼. 是中微子被體識晶體過濾後的代碼表義. 演示了軀體和生物基因的遺傳,亦代表潛意識。
Neutrino data filtered through the personality crystal translated into the body and the life. It is the unconscious aspect.
The Nine Centers
Head Center
Ajna Center
Throat Center
Heart Center
Sacral Center
Spleen Center
Solar Plexus Center
Root Center
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