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Monday, February 7, 2011

Introduction to Human Design 卡科易數(人類圖) 簡介 (附加中文字幕)


 Introduction to Human Design 
卡科易數介 (附加中文字幕)

講師:  Ra Uru Hu


歡迎各位收看卡科易數 (亦稱人類圖介。我是拉•胡 (Ra Uru Hu) 大師。我知道你們想了解卡科易數究竟對你有什麼益途。卡科易數可以切實地增進和豐富您的個人經驗,首先讓我來介紹一下它的背景。

一七八一年( 1781 ) ,在威廉•荷瑟爾(William Hershel )發現天王星的同時,世界上發生了一件重大事件,在這年大區位體系的人開始面世。區位體系的誕生是結構牲的進化。尼安德特人(Neanderthals )和現代哺乳動物一樣是屬於五大區位體系,而古石器時代的克羅馬儂人 (Cro-Magnon) 智慧人種 (Homo sapiens) 也是屬於七大區位體系。而我們則屬於九大區位體系。然而這只是個過渡形式體系,是智慧人種演進的一個階段。卡科易數是九大區位體系結構的術數知識,這種知識是特質區分科學的基礎。自一九八七年(1987)以來,我們對這非凡的本源潛能以逐漸覺醒

 為了適應新的進化形式,卡科易數系統把過去普傳和密傳知識,綜合在一獨特而創新的圖譜上,即是銳覺壇城(Rave Mandala)和銳覺軀體(Rave BodyGraph)。銳覺壇城是印記矩陣。雖然是基於為追蹤行星用的占星輪,但覺壇城中69,120個獨特的印記點。銳覺壇城的內輪分成12個星,外輪分成64段。64是從其易經六十四卦引伸出來的。這種結構將星輪劃分為各種基因潛能。在卡科易數中,行星印記根據於的定分類。在每個閘對應的星輪弧內每個位置都有一個相對數值。一 個5615秒,每個能再分成線、顏色、色調和根基,得出1080個獨特的數值點。卡科易數真正是特質區分學科。

體圖能將所有這些可能性轉變成獨有的設計,體圖是前所未有的。它能轉化人生,導人於覺醒。是個綜合了中西智慧的非凡之圖。這個圖是建立於區位即是能量/信息的聚集處。區位原是基於印度查克拉系統(Hindu-Brahmin Chakra)那系統是七大區位體系時代的主導知識。在設計圖中連接區位與區位之間的通道是來自希伯來的卡巴拉(Sephorith of Kabala)通道兩端的好比易經的卦。這些基於易經正是整個體系的關鍵。通過在星輪中任何位置的啟動也可以譯成體圖內的一個位置以這種方式,卡科易數便能夠將個別的位置數據演譯成獨一無二體圖——你的譜圖個人設計的計算要基於準確的出生時間卡科易數計算方式不像一占星術那樣,因每個個人設計譜圖都是基於兩個計算。



在卡科易數的譜圖中,有兩種計算別展示那兩種晶體不同的印記。在銳(Rave Chart)中,軀體圖的每一側即可看到兩組元碼。在右側是自識元碼,用黑色代表在左側是體識元碼,用紅色代表。在受胎那刻胎兒被賦予了一個體識晶體和一個磁單極子。體識晶體彰顯著一個不停化的身軀。而磁單極子則保持其獨有的和緣機。只有當身軀準備好了,自識晶體才輪入於內。這個階段準確地發生於出生之前即太陽軌跡運行的88度或更簡單地說,出生前大約三個月根據卡科易數的,自識元碼是基於出生時間算出的太陽、地球、節點、月亮及行星的定位而编成的 便是軀體圖中黑色通道示的自我意識。從出生時間倒算太陽運行88度,便可得到第二個行星定位計算的根據點。這是體識元碼在體圖中用紅色通道表義,演體和生物基因的遺傳,亦代表潛意識


卡科易數是科學。因為體圖有無窮的組合模式。定量有四種:() 單一連貫定量是完全連的;() 折分二段定量, 是指斷開成兩組的定量組合() 折分三段定量,是斷開()很罕分四段定量,因它斷開成四。還有最後的無定量體系。但不管是否有無定量,重要的是定量能指引到卡科易數的心要對你獨有價值而這便是關你的類型



人類從氣場的模式分為四種類型。倡顯者、投射者反照者。主導類型,占了總人口大概(70 %)的左右。他們是地球上生命的源動力他們的策略是回應,透過回應量者則可免受煩擾而得到滿足。他們有開放和包容的氣場,待以認識自己投射者占了大概(20%)的人口。他們的策略是等待邀請,從而避免苦澀且得到成功。他們有聚焦且具吸收性的氣場能容易理解別人。倡顯者占大約百份之九(9%)的人口他們的策略是先言而後行避免憤怒,而尋得安逸。他們有封閉和排斥的氣場,從而要令人知道他們對別人的影響。 反照者 是 無 定量的 ,他們只占人口 大 約 百份之一( 1 %) 。他們的策略是等待月亮運行一個週期才作決,為避免失望而尋得驚喜。他們有扺抗和采樣性氣場,待以識別不同的特性

一個人的生命質和潛能,取決於決策及引導的方向。 (Rave Chart) ,你便可看到有顏色而已被啟動與白色且空敞的地方的二元性。基基因遺傳的強制下,人類老是被相反的事物吸引。由於要保持基因庫健全,這個遺傳規律往往把我們拉扯於一個受制約的模式中。空敞的區位常被一個非本我策略直接影響思維的決。大多數人的思維也制約於區位的性中,從而改變他們的決策。研用你的策略則可避免陷入這錯誤。





Transcript from the Introduction to Human Design By Ra Uru Hu

Welcome to this introduction to the Human Design System. I’m Ra Uru Hu. I know that your interest is in what Human Design can do for you and Human Design is truly for you, for the enhancement and enrichment of your individual experience but first some background.

In 1781 coincidental to Sir William Hershel’s discovery of the planet Uranus, a momentous event took place, the advent of the nine-centered being. Centeredness is a structural aspect of evolution. Neanderthals were 5-centered like modern Mammals and so called Cro-Magnon or Homo sapiens were 7-centered beings. We are 9-centered. We are a transitional form, ‘Homo Sapien in Transitus’. Human Design is the knowledge of the mechanics of the 9-centered being and this knowledge is the basis of the Science of Differentiation. Since 1987, we have been awakening to our nature and its extraordinary potential.

As fitting a new evolutionary form, the Human Design System is a synthesis of past exoteric and esoteric knowledge integrated into a unique revolutionary mapping, the Rave Mandala and the Individual Rave BodyGraph. The Mandala is the imprinting matrix. Though based on the astrological wheel for the purpose of tracking the planets, there are 69,120 unique points of imprinting in the Rave Mandala. The inner wheel of the Mandala is divided into the 12 astrological constellations. The outer wheel is divided into 64 partitions. The 64 is derived from the ‘I’Ching’ and its 64 Hexagrams. This construct divides the wheel into genetic potentials. In Human Design, planetary imprinting is classified according to position in a Gate. Every position within the arc of that gate has value. A gate has an arc of 5 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds and each gate can be subdivided into Lines, Colors, Tones and Bases giving 1080 unique points of value. Human Design is truly the Science of Differentiation.

It is the Rave BodyGraph that transforms all these possibilities into the magic of a unique individual design. The BodyGraph is truly new; an extraordinary map to individual transformation and it too is a synthesis. The graph is built on Centers or energy/information hubs. The Centers are rooted in the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra System which had form principle mastery in the age of the seven centered being. The connections between the Centers known in design as ‘Channels’ are from the Sephorith of Kabala and the Gates at either end of the Channels are from the I’Ching.  It is the I’Ching Gates that are the key. Through the Gates, any activation of any position in the wheel can be translated to a position within the BodyGraph. In this way Human Design calculations can translate an individual’s positional data into a unique BodyGraph configuration, your Rave Chart. The calculation of an individual design begins with accurate birth time but unlike astrological calculation, an individual design is based on two calculations.

The nine-centered being is a binary consciousness. In Rave Cosmology the totality called the Biverse is the by product of a juxtaposed tension between Atomics and Dark Matter. According to the cosmology, in the beginning there were two Dark Matter ‘crystals’ that shattered and dispersed at the Big Bang. The Yin/Yang expressed through Design and Personality Crystals. The emergence of atomics also produced Neutrinos, the most abundant of all things. The Neutrino Ocean produced by all the living stars is filtered by the Crystals of Consciousness. Every living thing is endowed with two crystals of consciousness, an aspect of the original Yin the Design crystal that transforms the neutrino data into the body and the life and the aspect from the original Yang the Personality Crystal that transforms the neutrino data into the potential of self-reflected consciousness. What binds the Biverse together binds us as well, it is the third and crucial element in the structure of a nine-centered being, the Magnetic Monopole.

In our design these three elements have specific locations within the body. The Magnetic Monopole sits in the sternum and holds us together in the illusion of our Separateness and gives us our direction for life. The Design Crystal sits within the skull and is the intelligence that operates and maintains the body. The Personality Crystal sits above the scalp and is the intelligence we recognize as who we think we are.  The Design is the Vehicle, the Magnetic Monopole is the Driver and the Personality Crystal is the Passenger. One of the profound potentials in Human Design is the awakening of passenger consciousness.

The two calculations in a Human Design chart display the imprint of each Crystal separately. In the Rave Chart you see two sets of data on either side of the BodyGraph. On the right is the Personality data coded in black and on the Left the Design data coded in red. At conception the fetus is endowed with a Design Crystal that manifests the evolving form and a Magnetic Monopole that maintains its unique integrity and destiny. Only when the vehicle is ready does the Personality Crystal incarnate. This event takes place exactly 88 degrees of the Sun’s movement before birth or more simple approximately three months before the birth. In a Human Design calculation the birth time calculation of the positions of the Sun/Earth Lunar Nodes, Moon and planets form the Personality data base, the black, the ‘who you think you are’. Calculating backwards from the birth time 88 degrees of the movement of the Sun, the point arrived at is the basis for the second calculation of the planetary positions. This is the Design data base, the red, the body, the bio-genetic inheritance, the unconscious.

Once the two calculations are complete and the positions of the imprinting objects indicated in the Rave Mandala, then the magic of a unique individual design can emerge. The positions in the Gates of the wheel can then be transposed to the graph itself. This is illustrated by coloring in half of the channel.The database comes alive in the Rave BodyGraph. The graph is a map. Imagine that each Center is a community and these communities are connected by roads and tunnels. The roads in black are what is conscious and the tunnels in red are what is unconscious. When centers are connected to each other, when the gates at either end of the Channel are activated a Definition is formed. A definition is what throughout the life will be reliable and consistent.

Human Design is the Science of Differentiation. There are endless numbers of possibilities in the way in which BodyGraphs are configured. There are four different kinds of Definition, single a continuous connection, split definition, two areas of definition separate from each other, triple split definition, three separated areas and rarely quadruple split definitions, four separate areas. Finally there are those without definition. Most importantly, definition or not leads to the core of Human Design knowledge and its value to you, Type.

Human Design is mechanical knowledge. The mechanics reveal that we are a binary consciousness. The graphing clearly indicates that we are a juxtaposition of two sets of data. Herein lays the dilemma and the greatest challenge of the emerging nine-centered being. We are all objects moving through a duality of this and that. Our seven centered ancestors were limited to a singular conscious, and relied exclusively on mind for decision making. Human Design is about transforming your life by making decisions as yourself and it is not about mind. It is Type that reveals the mechanical strategy and authority derived not from your mind and its deep openness to conditioning but from your body, your vehicle, your Design consciousness.

This is the great experiment that defines Human Design. Experiment with your strategy & authority. Free your mind to see and discover the beauty of your unique purpose. It all begins with Your Type.  

 Humanity mechanically is divided into four Types, Manifestors, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors. Generators are the dominant Type on the planet with nearly 70% of the population. They are the driving life force of the planet. Their strategy is to respond and through response to find satisfaction and avoid frustration. They have an open and enveloping aura and are here to know themselves. Projectors are around 20% of the population. Their strategy is to wait for the Invitation to find success and avoid bitterness. They have a focused and absorbing aura and are here to understand the other. Manifestors are about 9% of the population. Their strategy is to inform before they act to find peace and avoid anger. They have a closed and repelling aura and are here to understand their impact on others. Reflectors are without definition and are just over 1% of the population. Their strategy is to wait a full cycle of the moon before making decisions to find surprise and avoid disappointment. They have a resistant and sampling aura and are here to see difference.

The quality and potential of your life is based on the decisions you make and the directions they lead to. Look at any Rave Chart and you will see an obvious duality between what is activated and colored in and what is white and open. As humans we are ruled by the genetic imperative to be attracted to what we are not. This genetic law that maintains the health of the gene pool pulls us towards conditioning. Each open center has a not-self strategy that directly impacts mental decision making. For the majority of Human Beings, their minds are conditioned by their openness and this distorts their decision making. Your strategy sidesteps this basic pitfall.

In Human Design, as we are a binary consciousness, we are endowed with two authorities: the inner authority of the Body to determine the life and the outer authority of mind to express unique awareness.  In the conditioned being known as the ‘Not-Self’ the mind expresses both inner and outer authority. A mind absorbed in the machinations of survival will always withhold some truth in its attempt to control its future. We are not here to be absorbed in survival consciousness. Your strategy aligns your life to the correct geometry, eliminates resistance and offers the great challenge of awareness to your personality.

The most important step is to try the experiment for yourself.  Change the way you make decisions. Through experiment you will learn to honor your strategy & authority. It is the way to differentiation and the fulfillment of purpose.

Thank you for watching.

And Love Yourself.

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