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Sunday, January 9, 2011

What is Human Design 甚麼是卡科易數(人類圖)?

作者:Ra Uru Hu

卡科易數 (人類圖) 當今最能深入了解生物本源潛能的一個全新的系統。 始創人 拉•大師 (Ra Uru Hu) 。 這系統 不是建立於信仰或宗教,而是一具有科學和邏輯的系統. 透過探察和踐,卡科易數給予你個發輝你個別潛能, 人生目標的途經  

卡科易數是一個綜合了古今中外的科學.  這系統名為卡科易數是因它是基於傳統印度查卡拉系統 (Hindu-Brahmin Chakra)希伯來的卡巴拉 (Sephorith of Kabala ), 現今最受關注基因科學易經, 中西天文術。 這非凡的智慧深入地鑽然到人性的真我本體 發你的潛能, 你實人生目標

我們無非是個旅客, 個乘著這軀體、過渡片刻的人生的心靈使者.  佛陀告訴我們,這身體是不是你的。但原如是我們完卻全依賴它的運作。 所以我們要像機師那樣, 懂得如何操作如何順利導航, 那便不會觸不會兜轉人生

What is Human Design?  --- by Ra Uru Hu

Human Design is a new system of self-knowledge that differs fundamentally from anything else that exists in the world today. It is not built on belief or faith but is a logical, empirical system which offers you the opportunity to experiment with its mechanics and find out for yourself if it works for you. It shows you a concrete map of your own nature and provides you with simple tools for how to be yourself and eliminate resistance in your life. Human Design offers you the opportunity to discover yourself and begin to understand and accept your very nature.

The Human Design System is a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern. The traditional sciences - astrology both eastern and western, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, the Zohar or Kabbalah, and most importantly of all, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes - these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design, and combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world. 
We are passengers in these bodies. We are a passenger consciousness experiencing the life. Buddha taught that the body is not yours. It is not, yet we are totally dependent on it. To learn how to operate in alignment with your own nature immediately brings benefits; this is the moment that you get what is right for you, along with the right relationships, career, environment, and so forth.
In acting on it, in experimenting with its logic, you may discover a remarkable experience of finding and ultimately living your purpose and seeing the beauty of what life holds for you. We invite you to see what your Human Design chart can reveal about you.

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